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美国习惯用语 | have a foot in both camps 脚踏两条船

我今天首先要问一下喜欢养宠物的朋友,在猫和狗中间,你更喜欢哪个呢?有些朋友会说,狗通人性,绝不养猫。另外一些朋友则会说,猫聪明美丽,绝不养狗。但是肯定也会有些宠物爱好者是:have a foot in both camps。

camp是阵营的意思,to have a foot in both camps这个习惯用语的意思是“同时跟对立的两派都有联系”的意思。也就是中文里常说的“脚踏两条船”。所以,有些朋友既喜欢猫,又喜欢狗,这种人就是have a foot in both camps。他们在两个阵营里都要插一脚。


  • Most of the guys who play sports want nothing to do with the smart kids. And the opposite is also true. But I’m on the soccer and the math teams and I like having friends from each group. To me, it’s cool to have a foot in both camps.


  • Did you have a foot in both camps?


  • There are two competing interests in our city: the developers, who favor more construction, and the environmentalists, who oppose it. Yet the mayor has figured out how to give each of them something they want. She’s always have a foot in both camps.


  • It has a foot in both camps.

据我所知,to have a foot in both camps这个习惯用语可以追溯到二十世纪初。在使用这个习惯用语的时候,除了可以用have这个动词外,还可以用keep。所以我们可以说,刚才那位市长是have a foot in both camps,也可以说是keep a foot in both camps。在使用这个习惯用语的时候,have和keep这两个动词可以换着用。也就是说:

  • You can have a foot in both camps or keep a foot in both camps.