/ 高中英语作文 / 103浏览

应不应该留意拼写?Should Attention Be Given to Spelling?

The basic and important part of studying English is spelling. Unfortunately, many students don’t pay attention to it. Thus, students’ skills of spelling are increasingly worse. Sometimes even an easy word could be spelled wrong, but they don’t seem to realize their mistakes.
Phenomenon of ignoring spelling is worthy of deeply consideration. In the first place, they appear to have some problems in the way of learning English. Some false methods resulted in students’ neglecting to spell. In the second place, as we all know, students’ pressure and burden are so heavy that we even can’t imagine. They couldn’t have enough time to focus on spelling. Las, lacking of supervision from teachers and parents contributed to this phenomenon.
For the sake of changing this condition, as far as I’m concerned, teachers should emphasis on the importance of spelling, and take some effective measures to improve students’ skills of spelling. More importantly, students must think highly of spelling if they want to study English well.