/ 高中英语作文 / 138浏览

爱心改变世界 Compassion Changes the World

This week I took my parents to go to a bazaar, which was held in our school. This bazaar was held for the benefit of the poor children who lived in a poverty areas. The stuff for sale in this bazaar came from the rummage of our teachers and students, and even some citizens do their help. Some classes also organized students to perform dancing and singing programs. The theme of this charity activity—compassion changes the world, really touched people’s hearts. And my father decided to donate some books to those poor children and also encouraged me to donate my pocket money. This activity was also reported by the local newspaper and got high praise from the public. This event impressed me because most of us are full of caring, and helping others makes my heart flow with happiness.   这周我领着爸妈参加了在我们学校举办的一次义卖活动。这次义卖是为了帮助住在贫困地区的孩子。义卖物品都是来自老师和学生们的捐赠,甚至一些居民们也来参与帮忙了。有些班级还组织同学们表演歌舞节目。本次慈善活动的主题——爱心改变世界,十分触动人心。我父亲也决定捐赠书籍给这些孩子们,还鼓励我捐献自己的零花钱。本地的报纸也报道了这次活动,受到广泛的赞扬支持。这件事让我深深的了解到大部分人们都是满怀关爱之心的。帮助他人也让我心充满幸福感。