偶像的力量 The Power of Idol

Almost everyone has an idol in their hearts. Some adore the great men in the history, some admire the athletes, but most teenagers’ idol trends to ...

买东西的欲望 The Desire to Buy

When I see the things I like, I always have strong desire to buy. If I can’t buy it, I will remember it all the time. Once I passed the shoe store ...

父爱 Father’s Love

People always like to ask their kids the question like who do you think is better between father and mother. It is the very difficult question to a...

优雅永恒 Elegance Never Fades

Audrey Hepburn is a very famous actress, and she is known by people all around the world. Her elegant image is followed by the girls all the time. ...

多喝水 Drink More Water

Summer is coming. We need to drink more water in the daytime. Usually when we are sick, the doctor will ask us to drink more water. But as the glob...