失败与成功 Failure and Success

Failure is so common in our life. No one can avoid it. When we fail in doing something, we often feel so depressed that we have no interest in oth...

失败之我见My View on Failure

Everyone knows that failure always accompanies us in our life. No matter what we do, none of us can say we will surely succeed, because there is n...



成功与失败Failure and Success

Life is full of ups and downs. So, it’s quite common that we do not do everything well all the time. Almost everybody experiences failure in his l...

改编的电影The Adapted Movie

Nowadays, when we see the movie, we may find the movie is familiar, we have seen the plot before. The movie we watch is always adapted according t...

别失去勇气 Do Not Lose Courage

Courage is very important. Everyone needs it. We will meet many difficulties in our life and sometimes we will fail, but we can’t lose courage. If...