情人节 Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is on the February 14 each year. It is celebrated in many countries around the world, although it remains a working day in most of...

教师节 Teachers’ Day

September 10 is our Teachers’ Day. In the afternoon, Zhonghua school held a celebration meeting, at which more than twenty old teachers each were ...

地球一小时 Earth Hour

Earth Hour is an activity proposed by WWF to cope with global climate change, hoping that individuals, communities, businesses and governments tur...


欢迎您到数码相机俱乐部 欢迎您到相机俱乐部。随着学生的联合提案国,相机俱乐部已经成立,并担任了15年来所有的学生。许多精彩活动的组织和安排在我们的...

校运会 Sports Meeting

I live in a city that is near the beach, so the life here is very leisure. In order to make use of the city feature, my school has the tradition to...

电子音乐 Electronic Music

Nowadays, electronic music is very popular around the world. First electronic music got popular from Lady Gaga, her creative dressing styles caught...