家风 Family Atmosphere

There are four people in my family, my parents, my sister and I. My father is very strict to us. When we make mistakes, he educates us. But my moth...

共同的问题 The Common Problem

It is known to all that Chinese economy developed so fast in the last few decades, as the life standard improved greatly. A lot of families got ric...

好礼仪 The Good Manner

People always say that the way a person treats the waiter decides what kind of person he is. I agree with it. My parents are polite persons. Since ...

家庭规则 Family Rules

David Beckham and his families are so famous around the world, no matter where they go, they will catch the media’s attention. The four lovel...

公主世界 The Princess World

When I was very small, my father told me that I was a princess. I was really happy about it and felt proud of myself. My father taught me that way ...