好的抉择 The Good Choice

Two years ago, my mother sent me to learn ballet. At that time, I was so unhappy about her choice, because I just wanted to play. But now, when som...

公主世界 The Princess World

When I was very small, my father told me that I was a princess. I was really happy about it and felt proud of myself. My father taught me that way ...

六一儿童节 Children’s Day

Today is Children’s Day. Early in the morning, I feel so excited, because I know the teachers have prepared some surprised for us. We donR...

植树节 Trees Planting Day

Every year, on March 12th, our school will have the special activity. We need to plant trees in the campus. We are so excited to see trees growing ...

经典电影 The Classic Movie

When I was very small, my parents bought me a lot of classic novel books. They wanted me to read them and got the best education. After reading the...

关于学习英语Learning English

Learning English is a hard but meaningful thing. I had access to English when I was seven years old. I was taught to study words first. It was dif...