珠海渔女 Zhuhai Fishing Girl

My favorite building is Zhuhai Fishing Girl, which is located at the scenic Xianglu Bay, in Haibin Park. The statue is composed of granite and sta...

美丽的公园 Beautiful park

In xiamen there is a park. It’s a big and beautiful park. It has two gates. They are the north gate and the west gate. Many people park their bike...

我的初恋 My first love

Everyone should have a love.Because love is pure.We can not to pollute it.Love is wonderful.She is a good girl.She helped everyone.She study very ...

家乡的日落Sunset in My Hometown

My hometown is in a small town, I live there before I go to primary school. The sunset in my hometown is so beautiful, when it comes to five o’cloc...

周末计划 Plan for Weekend

The spring comes and the scenery is beautiful. Therefore, I make plan to enjoy the vernal sunshine and fresh air with my parents. We will climb th...