小词详解 | anatomy

anatomy 英 [əˈnætəmi] 美 [əˈnætəmi] IELTS TOEFL TEM4 TEM8 GMAT 外刊例句 A study of cardiac anatomy suggested the pericardial sac, at the ’s ba...

小词详解 | sleek

sleek 英 [sliːk] 美 [sliːk] IELTS TEM8 外刊例句 The lines are sleek, the gadgets are high-tech and everything is ethereally white. 圆滑雅...

小词详解 | fatigue

fatigue 英 [fəˈtiːɡ] 美 [fəˈtiːɡ] 考研 CET4 IELTS TOEFL TEM4 TEM8 外刊例句 The monotony of monitoring a semi-automated vehicle may reduce vigi...